This particular form of therapy is used to work on the bones of the skull, the spine, and the sacrum (tailbone). Cranial Sacral Therapy, otherwise referred to as craniosacral therapy, is used to help relieve the pressure that is causing pain in the body.
The goal of cranial sacral therapy is to help the body return to its natural state. By doing this, the body is under less stress and projects less pain. This type of therapy can be beneficial for many conditions including:
• Infant and childhood disorders
• Fibromyalgia
• Scoliosis
• Neck and Back pain
• Headaches and Migraines
• TMJ Syndrome
• And much more!
According to the National Headache Foundation, more than 38 million Americans experience migraines on a regular basis. Also, women are more prone to migraines. There are several types of triggers for migraines such as medications, skipped meals, poor nutrition, subluxations in the spine, and poor sleeping patterns. Studies have also shown that patients receiving cranial sacral therapy sleep better and progressively experience fewer migraines. These results can last for weeks following the last session.
Scalp massage is also another relaxing technique that is used at Derrick Family Chiropractic & Massage. This is so relaxing because there are actually muscles on your scalp. The muscles on your scalp are what contribute to facial expressions. These muscles also carry a lot of tension and stress, especially if you are working on a computer for long periods of time.
A small muscular nod, or specifically a trigger point, can be responsible for pain in parts of the body that are quite some distance from where the nodule is itself. It is common for a trigger point in the low to mid back to radiate pain and discomfort-into the shoulders and neck. This neck and shoulder pain is likely to cause pain in the head that can be a dull ache or a sharp, intense pain.
This particular kind of therapy is designed to work on the nodule directly. There is specific, controlled pressure that is applied to the trigger point. After a few seconds of pressure, it is released. During this type of massage, the patient participates and communicates by identified areas of discomfort as well as having controlled deep breathing.
Relieving the trigger points in a muscle, it is allowing the muscle knot to loosen. Patients often experience immediate relief following one treatment. Regularly scheduled trigger point therapy can give you the benefits of pain management from stress, injury, etc.
Call our team at Derrick Family Chiropractic & Massage if you have questions about spinal decompression in Lacey.